Water dispensers


Water dispensing solutions for professionals for tasty, locally-produced, mineralized drinking water

Stop Planet Plastic - be the change now

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Change the World Change the World


For you and planet blue.


Without water there is no life, no growth and no progress. Which is why BWT has dedi­cated itself to water - our most impor­tant vital consum­able and our lifeblood - with a vision of becoming the global leader in water tech­nology and devel­oping prod­ucts and processes that are both eco-friendly and cost-effective.

We change the world - Sip by sip

Every single person can contribute to making our planet bluer and less plastic. It's not only a choice but our duty to society, animals, and our children. At BWT, we do this with our globally patented technologies that mineralize local water, so that communities, households, companies, and people can enjoy local water of the best quality directly out of the tap, the table water filter or the water dispenser. BWT products enrich water - with valuable minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, zinc or silicate. This helps us to CHANGE THE WORLD - and helps you to have great tasting, chilled, sparkling or still, local mineralized water at your disposal. Without the need to buy single-use plastic- or glass bottles, producing CO₂ emissions and plastic waste.

Is it worth having a water dispenser?

SPOILER ALERT: Yes, it is better to have it!

Nowadays many offices, hotels, restaurants, cafés and other establishments worldwide are switching from using bottled water to water dispensers for many different reasons. By providing locally mineralized, tasty BWT drinking water, both chilled and sparkling they can keep their customers, guests and employees refreshed and hydrated with the additional benefit of reducing their carbon footprint.

Besides improving the quality of the water, they serve, they also lower annual costs and contribute to sustainability objectives, eliminate transport, reclaim valuable space, and elevate the customer experience. Comparing cost efficiency, bottled water is calculated by cost per liter, whereas a water dispenser causes cost per unit (rent or sale).

Water Dispenser broadway engineering


Best Miner­al­ized water dispensers from BWT – the modern kitchen aid, that’s an absolute plea­sure

Pure, tasty drinking water at home has never been easier.

The kitchen is invari­ably the one place in the house where the whole family comes together to chat and, of course, to eat and drink! What is the best ingre­dient for the most plea­sur­able drinking and cooking expe­ri­ence? For effec­tive protec­tion against limescale? For health and for the envi­ron­ment? Quite simply, the answer is: Magne­sium Miner­al­ized Water. Which now, thanks to the Best Miner­al­ized water dispensers you can easily enjoy in your kitchen also fresh, still, cool or sparkling, filtered and locally miner­al­ized water at the press of a button. Simply pish the bottom or open the tap and fill your glass with fresh Magne­sium Miner­al­ized Water. Enjoy! No tedious bottle carrying, no storage issues in the fridge or store­room, and what’s more – no envi­ron­mental pollu­tion through empty dispos­able plastic bottles.



With BWT drinking water solu­tions, you can be sure to always enjoy pure water. In addi­tion to the wide variety of water types,
such as chilled, sparkling or still, all BWT water dispensers are equipped with numerous hygiene and safety features.

As a business, you can make a valuable contribution and set a clear example for sustainability and a sensitive approach to the way we use our precious resource, water. Say NO to single use plastic and help make our planet a little bit better - sip by sip.

Do you need a water dispenser solu­tion for your busi­ness?

We have the solu­tion for you!
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Water dispenser solutions for professionals


Please, download our catalogue from here, containing the follow product portfolio for HO.RE.CA, workplaces, healthcare, public venues and household solutions.